Tag Archives: Handala

In Handala’s playground, season 1, episode 4. 

Starvation  and Resilience Voice of Palestine [Scene: A makeshift shelter in Gaza. Widad sits on the floor, cradling a photo of her deceased baby Ahmed. Handala stands nearby, his back turned to her, but his presence is palpable.] Widad: [Choking … Continue reading

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In Handala’s Playground, Season 1, Episode 3

Watching Football Asif: Hello, you’re Handala! I can see your face. How is that? Handala: Sorry, forgot to turn around. See you later! Asif: Please don’t go! Handala: I’m late, I need to check on my friends at home. Asif: … Continue reading

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In Handala’s Playground: Season 1, Episode 2. 

Singing With Aisha Handala: Hey, you must be Aisha! I’m Handala, nice to meet you.  Aisha: Hi, you know my name! Do you know everything about me too? Handala: Almost! I know that you got shot by an Israeli sniper … Continue reading

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In Handala’s Playground: Season 1, Episode 1.  Human & Animal 

Handala: Salam Ali! Welcome to my playground. What happened? Ali: I was shot in the chest by the IOF while playing with my friends in Gaza. Who are you, and how do you know my name? Handala: I’m the child … Continue reading

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Handala: A Palestinian National Symbol

Handala is a character which was created in 1969 by political cartoonist Naji Al-Ali, and first took its current form in 1973. Handala became the signature of Naji al-Ali’s cartoons and remains an iconic symbol of Palestinian identity and defiance and … Continue reading

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