Category Archives: UK

Blood Money Politicians 

Some politicians are doing a terrible thing – they’re getting rich from wars. They encourage fights and wars just to fill their own pockets, and the last thing they think about is the lives that get ruined in wars. These … Continue reading

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”This is for Gaza”


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Survivors of UK terror attacks warn: ‘Don’t equate Muslims with extremists’ 

Open letter signed by families of victims including Manchester Arena bombing says debate ‘must not play into terrorists’ hands’ Jon Ungoed-Thomas Sun 10 Mar 2024 More than 50 survivors of terrorist attacks, including the Manchester Arena bombing and the London Bridge attacks, … Continue reading

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War on Gaza: Al Jazeera tells the 7 October story that British media will not

Peter Oborne Published date: 22 March 2024 09:59 GMT| Last update: 6 hours 23 mins ago  New documentary reveals how false and inflammatory allegations made their way into the journalistic mainstream  This screenshot from the Al Jazeera film “October 7” shows a building in … Continue reading

Posted in Evidence of Israeli Fascism and Nazism and Genocide, Gaza, Massacres & genocides, UK | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Examining Israeli Influence on BBC Reporting

Voice of Palestine, 22/03/24 The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), revered globally for its commitment to impartial and accurate journalism, has found itself embroiled in controversy regarding its coverage of issues related to Israel and Palestine. Over the years, accusations of … Continue reading

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Apartheid’s Propaganda: Changing the Narrative to Justify Genocides

Posted in Gaza, Massacres & genocides, News from the apartheid, Palestinian history, UK, USA, Videos | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Silent No More: Exposing Apartheid’s Crimes Against Humanity 

Background I received a comment from one person saying “they don’t feel sorry for the death of thousands of innocent children killed in Gaza by Israeli airstrikes and that Armageddon is coming and will be the end of Palestinians” and … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Justice, Massacres & genocides, News from the apartheid, Palestinian diaspora, Poems, UK, USA | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Wales, Apartheid and Palestine

06 Jan 2024  Source In this article the Palestine Solidarity Campaign groups in Wales explore Wales’ proud history in opposing apartheid in South Africa. They consider whether Wales can still feel proud considering that we have collectively buried our heads in the … Continue reading

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From Manchester with love

Voice of Palestine 1

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“The blood is on your hands “


Posted in Massacres & genocides, Media, UK, Videos | Tagged | Leave a comment