Category Archives: Politics

’Stand up and be visible in support of Palestine’

Posted in Justice, Media, Politics, South Africa, Videos | Tagged , | Leave a comment

IOF tortured UNRWA staff to extract false confessions


Posted in News from the apartheid, Politics, UNRWA, Videos | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Spain is teaching the West how to protect human rights

Posted in Evidence of Israeli Fascism and Nazism and Genocide, Gaza, Justice, Politics, Videos | Tagged | Leave a comment

How Israel was formed?

Posted in Media, News from the apartheid, Palestinian history, Politics, Videos | Tagged , | Leave a comment

”This is for Gaza”


Posted in Gaza, Justice, Media, Politics, UK, Videos | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Human rights but not for all


Posted in Justice, Media, Politics, Videos | Tagged | Leave a comment

Who gives Israel license to kill Palestinians?


Posted in Gaza, Massacres & genocides, Media, Politics, Videos | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Landowners’ dance during students’ camping in Berkeley University

Posted in Justice, Media, Palestinian diaspora, Politics, USA, Videos | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Chuck Fleischmann- another congressman terrorist who wants to wipe out Palestine


Posted in American Congressmen Terrorists, Politics, Videos | Tagged | 1 Comment

Have the Zionists Achieved their Goal of Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine?


Posted in Evidence of Israeli Fascism and Nazism and Genocide, Gaza, Massacres & genocides, Media, News from the apartheid, Politics, Videos | Tagged , | Leave a comment