Author Archives: Admin

About Admin

Youth's poetry ignites my quest, Against oppression, I protest. In Palestine's struggle, voices rise, For freedom, peace, justice, my cries.

“I hate Israel for putting hatred in my heart”.

Posted in Evidence of Israeli Fascism and Nazism and Genocide, Gaza, Massacres & genocides, Media, Videos | Tagged , | Leave a comment

The whole world is turning against Israel’s apartheid

Posted in Evidence of Israeli Fascism and Nazism and Genocide, Gaza, Justice, Media, News from the apartheid, Videos | Tagged | Leave a comment

Blood Money Politicians 

Some politicians are doing a terrible thing – they’re getting rich from wars. They encourage fights and wars just to fill their own pockets, and the last thing they think about is the lives that get ruined in wars. These … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Massacres & genocides, UK, USA | Tagged | Leave a comment

Leve Palestina

Arabic version

Posted in Justice, Palestinian diaspora, Songs | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Crimes Against Humanity in the Israeli Apartheid System

The Israeli authorities systematically restrict Palestinians’ basic rights, including citizenship, movement, and residence, resulting in widespread discrimination. These measures, grounded in ethnic identity, limit political, social, economic, and cultural participation, and violate fundamental freedoms. Such policies amount to crimes against humanity, … Continue reading

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Palestinian Keffiyeh: The New Crime!

Background:Over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, three Palestinian college students were shot in Vermont, two of them while wearing keffiyehs, in a crime their families have said was “fueled by hate.”  Arabic echoes, a keffiyeh worn,Symbols of heritage, on this morn.Walking … Continue reading

Posted in Justice, Palestinian art & culture, Palestinian history, USA | Leave a comment

Ana Dami Falastini (My Blood is Palestinian) by Mohammed Assaf


Posted in Assaf, Media, Palestinian art & culture, Songs, Videos | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Passport by Mahmoud Darwish

They did not recognize me in the shadows That suck away my color in this Passport And to them my wound was an exhibit For a tourist Who loves to collect photographs They did not recognize me, Ah… Don’t leave … Continue reading

Posted in Mahmoud Darwish, News from the apartheid | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Qraiqea’s Gallery

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Posted in Malik Qraiqea, Palestinian art & culture | Tagged | 1 Comment

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)

The Palestinian BDS National Palestinian society that is leading the global Committee (BNC), the largest coalition in Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, salutes activists, organizations and institutions worldwide that have genocide in Gaza by escalating boycott and urgent struggle … Continue reading

Posted in Justice, Palestinian art & culture, Palestinian diaspora, Palestinian history, Peace | Tagged | Leave a comment