Category Archives: American Congressmen Terrorists

“This obvious genocide is not what it looks like”


Posted in American Congressmen Terrorists, Evidence of Israeli Fascism and Nazism and Genocide, Gaza, Massacres & genocides, Media, USA, Videos | Tagged | Leave a comment

Chuck Fleischmann- another congressman terrorist who wants to wipe out Palestine


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”Finish them” Nikkei Haley

Posted in American Congressmen Terrorists, Evidence of Israeli Fascism and Nazism and Genocide, Gaza, Massacres & genocides, Media, USA, Videos | Tagged | Leave a comment

Brian Mast: A Terrorist & American Congressman, Who Supports Starving and Killing Palestinian Children

Watch also 2

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Vice President of an American university refuses to admit that Palestinians are humans.


Posted in American Congressmen Terrorists, Justice, Media, USA, Videos | Tagged | 1 Comment

Who runs the US government?


Posted in American Congressmen Terrorists, Evidence of Israeli Fascism and Nazism and Genocide, Media, USA, Videos | Tagged | 1 Comment

The Congressman Terrorist Andy Ogles “ I think we should kill them all”.


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Michael Collins The Terrorist Congressman Who Is Proud Of IOF Killing Palestinian Children


Posted in American Congressmen Terrorists, Gaza, Massacres & genocides, Media, Politics, USA, Videos | Tagged | Leave a comment