Category Archives: USA

Blood Money Politicians 

Some politicians are doing a terrible thing – they’re getting rich from wars. They encourage fights and wars just to fill their own pockets, and the last thing they think about is the lives that get ruined in wars. These … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Massacres & genocides, UK, USA | Tagged | Leave a comment

Palestinian Keffiyeh: The New Crime!

Background:Over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, three Palestinian college students were shot in Vermont, two of them while wearing keffiyehs, in a crime their families have said was “fueled by hate.”  Arabic echoes, a keffiyeh worn,Symbols of heritage, on this morn.Walking … Continue reading

Posted in Justice, Palestinian art & culture, Palestinian history, USA | Leave a comment

Don’t Be Fooled by Antony Blinken’s Crocodile Tears

The secretary of state is very good at projecting empathy about the horror in Gaza. But his actions speak much louder than his words. TARIQ KENNEY-SHAWA On June 8, 1976, then–Secretary of State Henry Kissinger stood before a gathering of … Continue reading

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”Your silence is savage”.

Posted in Evidence of Israeli Fascism and Nazism and Genocide, Gaza, Massacres & genocides, Media, USA, Videos | Tagged | Leave a comment

“One day, YOU will all be Palestinians”

Chris Hedges

Posted in Chris Hedges, Evidence of Israeli Fascism and Nazism and Genocide, Gaza, Massacres & genocides, Media, USA, Videos | Tagged | Leave a comment


Norman Finkelstein , 4/04/24 Let’s cut to the chase: of course Israel deliberately targeted the WCK relief convoy. Not only do all the material facts point to this conclusion. There also aren’t any grounds to doubt it; the heavy burden … Continue reading

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CNN staff say network’s pro-Israel slant amounts to ‘journalistic malpractice’

Insiders say pressure from the top results in credulous reporting of Israeli claims and silencing of Palestinian perspectives Chris McGrealSun 4 Feb 2024 12.00 GMTShare CNN is facing a backlash from its own staff over editorial policies they say have … Continue reading

Posted in Justice, Media, USA | Tagged | Leave a comment

Dear Child II

Posted in Chris Hedges, Evidence of Israeli Fascism and Nazism and Genocide, Gaza, Massacres & genocides, Media, Uncategorized, Videos | Leave a comment

Who Are The Victims ?


Posted in Evidence of Israeli Fascism and Nazism and Genocide, Media, USA, Videos | Tagged | Leave a comment

“This obvious genocide is not what it looks like”


Posted in American Congressmen Terrorists, Evidence of Israeli Fascism and Nazism and Genocide, Gaza, Massacres & genocides, Media, USA, Videos | Tagged | Leave a comment