Category Archives: Celebrities

Jimmy Carter on Israel’s apartheid


Posted in Celebrities, Evidence of Israeli Fascism and Nazism and Genocide, News from the apartheid, USA | Tagged | Leave a comment

”No, it’s not antisemitic to protest against Israeli genocide in Gaza”

Posted in Celebrities, Evidence of Israeli Fascism and Nazism and Genocide, Justice, Media, News from the apartheid, Politics, USA, Videos | Tagged | Leave a comment

Hollywood Actor, John Cusak’s opinion on Gaza war

I know what cannot be said is always what must be said …The essays I wrotewith the great Arundhati Roy address the issue at length ⬇️… When the west was foaming at the mouth ready to obliterate Afghanistan and … Continue reading

Posted in Celebrities, Gaza, USA | Tagged , | Leave a comment

“They told me to be quiet & to do my research & that it’s too complex to say something. In the last three weeks I’ve gone back and I’ve done some research … I’m teachable. I don’t know enough. But I know enough that this is a genocide”. Macklemore


Posted in Celebrities, Justice, Massacres & genocides, Media, Pictures, USA | Tagged | Leave a comment