Tag Archives: gaza

”This is for Gaza”


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Thought from the tent

Mahmoud Abdel Majeed Assaf. Gaza, 28/5/24 In the tent, I feel worse than ever. I have no objections or approvals, no choice of path.  Everything blurs into nothingness; there’s no difference between stopping and continuing. I endure the day, longing … Continue reading

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Chris Hedges: Letter to the Children of Gaza

November 10, 2023 At night you lie in the dark on the cold cement floor. The phones are cut. The internet is off. You do not know what is happening. There are flashes of light. There are waves of blast concussions. There are … Continue reading

Posted in Chris Hedges, Gaza, USA | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Whispers in Rubble: My Library’s Tale

Nasser Atallah Nasser Atallah recounts the tragic story of his Gaza library, revealing how Israel’s brutal attack has not only shattered his dreams but also obliterated the collection he spent decades assembling. He expresses: For fifty years, I’ve been collecting … Continue reading

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The World in the Eyes of Gaza’s Children…

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Starvation Used as Weapon of War in Gaza 

Evidence Indicates Civilians Deliberately Denied Access to Food, Water Since Hamas-led fighters attacked Israel on October 7, 2023, high-ranking Israeli officials, including Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, and Energy Minister Israel Katz have made public statements expressing their aim to … Continue reading

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Newton Of Gaza

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Humanity For All

Posted in Admin, Gaza, Justice, Media, Pictures | Tagged , | Leave a comment


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Gaza and the World

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