Tag Archives: Palestine

Why Britain isn’t willing to recognise Palestinian State?

The consultant and expert in international law, lawyer Muhammad Al-Subaihi, revealed the real motive behind Britain’s failure to recognize the Palestinian state, despite the British House of Commons’ decision to recognize the Palestinian state, and Britain also abstained from voting … Continue reading

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Welcome to Palestine 360

See all beloved Palestine with 360 panorama technology. Watch all of beloved Palestine and spread it, let others enjoy, and if you have 3D glasses, it will be more beautiful. Something amazing. Click on each picture and move your phone … Continue reading

Posted in Media, Palestinian art & culture, Palestinian history, Pictures | Tagged | Leave a comment

Palestine by Mahmoud Darwish

This land gives us all that makes life worth living: April’s blushing advances, the aroma of bread at dawn, a woman’s haranguing of men, the poetry of Aeschylus, love’s trembling beginning, moss on a stone mothers dancing on a flute’s … Continue reading

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Learn the Truth about Palestine

You want to get accurate answers to all your questions on Palestine and the current conflict, this is the place. Please sharehttps://palianswers.com/

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Different rules’: special policies keep US supplying weapons to Israel despite alleged abuses

Revealed: review of internal state department documents shows special mechanisms have been used to shield Israel from US human rights laws Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Washington Thu 18 Jan 2024 06.00 EST Source Top US officials quietly reviewed more than a dozen incidents … Continue reading

Posted in Evidence of Israeli Fascism and Nazism and Genocide, Justice, Massacres & genocides, News from the apartheid, USA | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Enduring Strength: The Resilient Identity of Palestinians

In the heart of the Middle East, Palestine stands as a testament to unyielding spirit. Despite the brutal occupation, this ancient land echoes with tales of perseverance from the bustling streets of Jerusalem to Gaza. The spirit of Palestinians transcends … Continue reading

Posted in Justice, Palestinian art & culture, Palestinian diaspora, Palestinian history, Videos | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Wales, Apartheid and Palestine

06 Jan 2024  Source In this article the Palestine Solidarity Campaign groups in Wales explore Wales’ proud history in opposing apartheid in South Africa. They consider whether Wales can still feel proud considering that we have collectively buried our heads in the … Continue reading

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Admin’s Message:

Don’t give up, I won’t give up, Palestine is my land. Make the Israel’s apartheid Palestine again. 7

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Irish Support for Palestine

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Palestine Existed Long Before Israel’s Apartheid

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