Tag Archives: Gaza war

Know Their Names: Names of thousands of Palestinians killed in Gaza/ Aljazeera report

The death toll in Gaza during the 11-week assault has hit 20,258 while 53,688 others are wounded, the Palestinian health ministry said on Saturday. The below Aljazeera list was done on 1/11/23. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/longform/2023/11/1/know-their-names-palestinians-killed-in-israeli-attacks-on-gaza

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Genocidal Echoes: Gaza’s Struggle for Survival

Background Since the war began, close to 20000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza by Israeli occupation force, sparking international demands for a ceasefire.  In Gaza’s crucible, a saga of despair,Oppressed and aged, history’s brutal snare.Zionist forces wield an iron grip,Silent … Continue reading

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Child Abusers are Slaughtering Babies in Gaza

Posted in Admin, Gaza, Massacres & genocides, Media, News from the apartheid, Pictures, USA | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Who’s Responsible?

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Who Is Supporting Such Psychopaths?

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Keir Starmer’s Moral Crossroads: Power, Politics, and Human Rights

Background Speaking to LBC, Kier Starmer said “Israel has the right to do everything it can to get those hostages back safe and sound and Israel has the right to withhold power and water from Palestinian civilians”.  In the twisted folds … Continue reading

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Journalists Murdered by Israeli Occupational Forces During the War on Gaza 

Background  Journalism is in the process of being eradicated in the Gaza Strip as a result of Israel’s refusal to heed calls to protect media personnel. The situation is dire for Palestinian journalists trapped in the enclave, where ten have … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Justice, Massacres & genocides, News from the apartheid, Palestinian history, Poems | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

America’s Genocidal Veto 

Background The U.S. vetoed a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza put forward by the United Arab Emirates and backed by more than 110 Member States at a meeting in New York City. Compared to 13 council members’ votes in … Continue reading

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Gaza’s Tragedy: Navigating Western Guilt and American Realities

Background:In the last 48h since Biden had advised Netanyahu to take some measures to reduce the number of civilian casualties in Gaza, IOF* killed more than 1000 Palestinians. Connecticut’s secrets exposed,Dr. Schiff’s whispers, Biden’s pose.Netanyahu’s ballet, Gaza’s dire plea,Truth silenced … Continue reading

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