Tag Archives: jenin

History Repeats Itself

On August 25, 1938, the day after the British Assistant District Commissioner was assassinated, British forces bombed the city of Jenin, destroying a quarter of the city. Israel follows exactly the same style of British colonialism.

Posted in Massacres & genocides, Media, Other pictures, Palestinian history, Pictures, UK | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Fall of Al Hissan

Background: The Jenin Horse (Al-Hissan), was a sculpture built in 2003 by the population of Jenin, in the West Bank, along with German artist Thomas Kilpper. It was made from scrap metal and pieces of wrecked cars and ambulances. The … Continue reading

Posted in Evidence of Israeli Fascism and Nazism and Genocide, Palestinian art & culture, Palestinian history, Poems | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment